When the internet was created, not many people envisioned it would grow to the magnitude seen today. Interestingly, the internet has paved the way for the creation of more innovative technologies, as well as improved communication. Furthermore, the internet has functioned effectively and efficiently as a tool to influence ideas and systems. Two of the offshoots of the internet are blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies, and their popularity has increased over time. It is amazing to see how the internet has influenced the widespread knowledge of these emerging technologies.
The Internet And Social Media
Before the internet became public, the military used it for the transfer of information between military bases and personnel. However, they got more secure communication systems and then made the internet a public platform. At first, some people were skeptical about the new technology that used dial-up networks to connect computers. Interestingly, the internet grew, as more people saw the need to easily connect with people globally.
The internet’s drastic growth paved the way for instant messaging protocols. Instant messaging features like Yahoo’s “Yahoo Messenger” made it easy for real-time chats to happen. More instant messaging apps were born, and then platforms were created where people could create profiles and personas for interactions. Social media platforms like MySpace, Hi5, etc. gained popularity, and thus began a new age for social media interactions.
Companies, businesses, brands, and organizations found new ways to interact with their customers while attracting potential clients. Advancement in technology led to the creation of even better and perhaps more complex social media platforms. Social media has evolved and has become a determinant when driving traffic to a company that is looking to succeed. The internet has become a hub for a plethora of activities, and an archive of resources on almost any subject. Almost every organization has a virtual version of their brick-and-mortar business on the internet.
The Influence On Cryptocurrency
The way cryptocurrency is treated now is drastically different than inception 10+ years ago. A lot has changed within the decade, and the internet played a huge part in the acceptance of cryptocurrency. For crypto’s popularity to grow, more people had to be aware of it. The internet helped this come to fruition.
Blockchain Social Media
In an era where internet users are pursuing privacy and freedom of expression, blockchain has fueled decentralized social media networks around the globe. Aside from these protocols offering end-to-end encryption, they also leverage cryptocurrency to drive marketing. Many of these blockchain-based platforms today offer a native token/digital asset to reward users, crowdfund, facilitate platform transactions, and much more. On traditional social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, the primary user ( you ) are not rewarded financially. People who benefit financially are the centralized organization and companies paying for marketing campaigns.
Data Control
With centralized social platforms like Facebook, user data is continuously at risk. These centralized parties hoard user data and can target advertisements and facilitate other revenue-generating activities. Why do you think you see pop-up ads on Facebook for electronics or clothing you shopped for a week ago? This is a targeted advertisement and it comes from your data. With decentralized social platforms leveraging blockchain, no centralized parties control the user base. Users finally have more control over their personal data.
Privacy & Freedom
During recent elections, we saw the power of centralized social platforms. The president of the United States essentially became silenced due to centralized social media. Moderators on Twitter and Facebook decided that the POTUS should no longer socialize on the internet. People will argue both sides of this, but at the end of the day, you need to decide whether you believe that model provides privacy and freedom.
Following issues around centralized social media, decentralized media platforms saw an influx of new users. Decentralized consensus mechanisms provide more privacy and avail a person’s right to express themselves freely.
Top Decentralized Social Networks
Looking to try out a decentralized social media platform? Here are some of the popular platforms that internet users are flocking to:
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